The Jenny Lynne

Location: Rancho Palos Verdes

Wreck/Site: The Jenny Lynne


Team 1: Tianyi Liu, Nir Maimon

Team 2: Jim Babor, Michael Gasbarro, Mark Self

Surface Support: Mike Schlegel

Mission Impact: 200 square feet of net removed


Team Ghost Diving USA set out to continue cleaning up the wreck of the Jenny Lynne. The divers, aboard the Giant Stride, worked in 2 teams. Team 1, Tianyi and Nir, were tasked with looking for nets in the sand adjacent to the wreck and around the mast. Team 2, Jim, Michael, and Mark focused their attention on removing the rest of the net that was wrapped around and hanging off of the anchor.

On dive 1 Tianyi and Nir searched the sand and the mast. They did not locate any net. They decided to start working the large section of net that sits between the pilot house and the main deck. They were able to stage some lift bags on this section of net. Jim, Michael, and Mark were able cut the remaining net away from the anchor and stage a lift bag. After completing their 30-minute decompression obligation, the teams surfaced, enjoyed a 90 minute surface interval and prepped for dive 2.

            On dive 2, Tianyi and Nir were able to cut 3 lift bags worth of net and send it to the surface. Jim, Michael, and Mark were able to complete the clean up of the anchor. The remaining net is the one large section of net behind the pilot house. We, as a team, are thrilled to see the Jenny Lynne project for a few reasons. First, we are continuing to contribute to the health of our local waters. Next, the Jenny Lynne clean up project has been part of our mission since some of our divers originally started removing ghost nets from this wreck in 2014. This is a full circle moment for team Ghost Diving USA and we love it!

Catherine McWilliams

Katie has been diving for 12 years. She enjoys learning and growing as a diver. Her goals in the next year include technical training and getting more experience doing conservation work. She also looks forward to finding opportunities to educate the public about ocean conservation. When Katie isn’t diving she enjoys camping, hiking, weight training, reading, music, and all things arts and crafts.


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