The Radio Tower

Location: Point Fermin, Rancho Palos Verdes Estates, California

Date: January 23, 2023

Net Handling Team: Jim Babor, Norbert Lee

Documentation Team: Keith Chu, Shane McWilliams

Observation and Training Team: Jamie Mitchell, Walter Zagzebski

The Radio Tower

Ghost Divers set out aboard the Giant Stride to clean up the Radio Tower. The Radio Tower has unknown origins but rests in 110 ft at the deepest portion of the structure. The shallowest portion of the structure sits in 85- 90 feet. A previous survey of the structure showed that nets were intertwined with various parts of the structure. This clean up presented some unique challenges because of how the net had become entangled in the structure.

The first piece of net recovered was at the shallower end of the structure. It was dangling vertically and still attached to a significant amount of line. This line added a level of complexity to the mission because in order to safely lift the first piece of net, the line had to be unraveled from the structure to ensure the net would lift without snagging. Thenet team worked diligently to ensure this was done with care.

The second section of net served as a grim reminder of why our mission is critically important. This second section of net, which was a thin monofilament net, had captured and claimed the life of a sheephead. California sheephead live around rocky reefs and kelp beds. The final piece of net recovered was a mesh net in the middle of the structure.

There is still work to be done at the Radio Tower. The team observed a hoop net and an additional smaller piece of net needing recovery. Unfortunately, the team did not have enough time to safely recover the nets. Their locations were noted for later recovery.

Abalone Cove

The second dive of the day was at Abalone Cove. The goal of the Abalone Cove dive was to find a net in approximately 30 feet of water. The intention is to use the net to provide net training for Ghost Divers. unfortunately, due to visibility at the site, the team was unable to locate the net. The team will return to Abalone Cove to search for the net and recover it for training.

The Beam Center

The nets recovered will be sent to the Beam Center in New York City. The Beam Center provides young adults with opportunities to collaborate with artists, engineers and various fabricators. Through this collaboration, the young adults build unique and innovative projects.

You can learn more by visiting the Beam Center website:


Tuna Clipper


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